Creating the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS): An Illinois State University researcher’s story

Each year, professors are evaluated across the three major areas of their work – teaching, service, and research. A professor’s productivity in these same three areas is assessed across multiple years when tenure and promotion decisions are made. It has been my experience that most people outside of the University, whether they are friends, family members, alumni, or state legislators, have a pretty good understanding of the nature of the work that is involved in two of these three areas.
Namely, there is an appreciation that in order to be successful as a teacher, a professor must devote extensive time preparing for classes as well as providing students with feedback on their progress (grading projects,advising students, etc.). People also recognize that faculty members must devote time and energy to both internal service tasks (e.g. revising curriculum,serving on university governance committees) as well as external service projects (e.g. providing consultations to schools, serving on state and national accreditation boards). Read more of the Statewide Standard – Sept 04