Summer is often a slower time on college campuses, but this summer will be anything but slow at Illinois State University. In addition to classes, conferences and camps, the physical face of the campus will be changing as part of a long-range plan to enhance classroom buildings, student residence halls and other campus infrastructure. Beginning in May, construction fence will be a prominent feature in several areas, especially in the southwest portion of the campus. Some construction and renovation projects will be completed quickly with little disruption, while other projects will require longer term changes in the flow of business and traffic.
Media Relations has published an online Construction Newsletter detailing many of the projects. To view the newsletter, click on Construction Updates.
Construction projects will include the demolition of the Walker and Dunn-Barton residence halls to make way for the new Student Fitness and Kinesiology/Recreation Building, the expansion of the South University Street parking garage, the resurfacing of the pedestrian bridge over College Avenue, and the ongoing renovations in Stevenson Hall and the East campus residence halls. Numerous smaller repair projects on campus buildings and grounds will also take place during this summer.
The Facilities Planning office is working hard to keep the inconvenience to a minimum during this very hectic construction period. However, disruptions to vehicle and foot traffic and changes in building access will be unavoidable. Facilities Planning staff will keep the campus community up-to-date on the status of the various projects and the disruptions they may cause. Patience and understanding during this time will be rewarded with new and updated facilities that will greatly enhance not only the appearance of the University, but also its overall mission of serving students and the surrounding community.
For regularly updated information on construction projects, timelines and vehicle and pedestrian traffic re-routing, visit the Facilities Planning Update Web site.