Public school education
The foundation of our democracy

This feature story shines a spotlight on the history, current state, and future of education in our nation.
Through our accomplished students, alumni, and faculty, as well as other distinguished professionals
in the field, we discuss what education has and will continue to mean to our democratic society.
The dialogue is concentrated first and foremost on democracy—its fundamental beginnings in public
education, the challenges we face today in its preservation, and how we will renew our commitments in the
future. In addition to this national dialogue, we will share how our efforts are focused on lifting-up what’s
good in education and zeroing in on what needs to be changed.
In telling this story, we begin with a historical reflection of Illinois State and the nation, highlighting the
founding principles and educational leaders who helped to shape public school education. We then shift to
the current and impending challenges to our education system, and what responses can help us refocus our .. Read more of Statewide Standard