Here are some photos of the former Cardinal Court before it was demolished, and the new Cardinal Court, which opened in summer 2012.



One thought on “Photo gallery: Cardinal Court, then and now

  1. David Kirkpatrick...Class of 1953 says:

    I have read your recent column about Cardinal Court. It is not the same as I recall from 1950-53. We called it the” barracks”. My building was located near the south 30 yard line of the present football field. As I remember we had two (2) bedrooms on each side of a common bathroom. Rent was, I believe $3.00 a week which included a clean pillow case and 1 or 2 sheets. The heat was provided by an oil space heater, no A/C, and a frequent lack of hot water. I do remember that some of the returning Vets would venture over to the Univ farm for an upgrade of their food supplies, an occassional chicken and some fresh eggs. My grandson graduated in 2010 so I have returned several times for visits, football games with “N” letterman from my era, and to renew old friendships with fellow players. Your article.prompt me to get out an old picture album and look at what college was like when tuition was $50.00 a semester, including books. The Big “4” ticket was $10.00. Normal was dry, and working statetime paid you $.50cents an hour……could this have been the good old days ?