The seventh annual Local Foods Dinner, featuring farm fresh Illinois produce and meats, will be served from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 27, at Marketplace at Linkins Dining Center.

The tentative menu includes such items as chicken and pork entrees, a variety of vegetable dishes, and an apple crumble with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Due to the nature of the event, the finalized menu was not available when this article was published. It will be available on the Campus Dining Services website after the foods have been delivered.

A variety of Illinois vendors are providing produce and meat, including Bane Family Meats in Sidney; Browns Fresh Produce Farm in Bloomington; Green Acres Herb Farm in Lowpoint; Huelskoetter Pork in Beason; Prairie Fruits Farm in Champaign; and Troyer Family Gardens in Hudson.

According to Campus Dining Services Executive Chef Matt Horton, purchasing foods locally provides an exciting challenge and change in philosophy to the way foods are normally purchased, which helps keep costs down and support local vendors.

“For instance, instead of purchasing specific cuts of pork for specific recipes, we are purchasing whole hogs and using the entirety of the main cuts such as the hams, shoulders, and chops,” Horton said. “Developing those partnerships with the farmer and the processor are key to the success of these challenges.”

New this year is that tickets do not need to be purchased in advance. The cost of the meal is one swipe for meal plan holders or the $10 dinner door rate for students, faculty, and staff without meal plans.

For more information visit the Campus Dining Services website.