What’s it like to be an art major at Illinois State? Just ask Lucero Aguirre.

The senior has grown as an artist while studying in the University’s School of Art. That started right away with art history classes and 2-D, 3-D, and drawing fundamental courses. Soon, Aguirre was diving deeper into her concentration area (ceramics) while also expanding her skillset by learning about sculpture, printmaking, woodworking, and glass-blowing. She built up her ceramics background even more through independent study.

Outside the studio, Aguirre says her involvement in art clubs has added to her experience. She’s currently in a leadership role with Students Independent League in the Ceramic Arts (SILICA), Illinois State’s clay club.

“Being an art student at Illinois State University is awesome, because not only do you get a lot of hands-on experience in your classes, but you also build up a nice portfolio,” Aguirre said. “You walk away with a huge network of classmates and professors.”

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Adam Rahn can be reached at amrahn@IllinoisState.edu.