The following is a list of recent resources for those focused on the professional improvement of teachers, principals, and other educational leaders.

“Teacher Recruitment: New Challenges, New Strategies.” (Education Week). This report explores the factors behind the recent teacher shortages in many areas and highlights initiatives designed to improve district hiring processes and tap new pools of prospective educators.

UCEA (University Council for Education Administration) webinar: “Research-Based Policy for Principal Preparation Program Approval and Licensure.” Tuesday, February 23, from 3–4 p.m. Join on the webinar as we highlight the high-leverage policies presented in the report and make the case for more robust adoption by state policymakers.

Does the Match Matter? Exploring Whether Student Teaching Experiences Affect Teacher Effectiveness and Attrition. The authors of this study use data from six Washington state teacher education programs to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates’ student-teaching experiences and their later teaching effectiveness and probability of attrition. (Source: American Institutes for Research)