When most people think of physical wellness, they tend to think about exercise and diet. While they are important, your physical well-being is affected by other factors. Preventive checkups, getting enough sleep, and stress management all play a big part in how your body feels.

Working on your physical wellness may sound like a daunting task, but is actually quite simple and easy to incorporate into your daily activities. As mentioned, physical wellness is not just about diet and exercise. It also involves rest and leisure, hygiene and self-care activities.

If you have not explored this dimension of wellness much before, use these tips to find your physical wellness:

Drink more water. You may have heard this a dozen times, but it is for good reason! Many of us know that we should drink more water, but end up consuming tea, coffee, juices and soda instead. Water is essential for every bodily function, because we’re actually made of 70 percent water. Not drinking enough water can lead to various health problems and leaves us feeling drained of energy. Try to drink a minimum of eight glasses a day.

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Fruits are full of natural sugars, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help you feel great. Vegetables are packed with fiber, vitamins, mineral, and phytochemicals. They can be great sources of Vitamin C, iron, and even calcium! An all-around healthful diet will help our physical wellness. Three meals a day, a couple of light snacks and a focus on whole foods including proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the main ingredients for healthful eating.

Keep it clean. Our hygiene has significant effect on how we feel. Brushing our teeth, showering, moisturizing, and flossing are daily activities we may often take for granted. Making it a point to perform all four of these simple hygiene acts every day is an act of self-love that can make us feel better emotionally as well as physically.

Get a good night’s rest. Sleep is an important part of overall health and well-being. When you don’t get enough sleep you are slow, vacant and lacking focus—much like a zombie. There are many benefits to getting a good night’s rest on a consistent basis including: improved learning and memory, positive impacts on metabolism and weight, better moods, and a strengthened immune system.

Take a deep breath. Stress often causes us to take shallow breaths, which leads to more anxiety. When you start feeling tense, take a moment and breathe. Close your eyes and count to 100, starting over if you need a longer pause. Download the guided relaxation audio available on the Health Promotion and Wellness website.

Resources: 123 Feel Better

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