Are you getting ready to leave your apartment for spring break? Leadership and Community Connections offers the following tips for students regarding their off-campus residences:

  • Lock doors and windows.
  • Set thermostat to a specific temperature, usually specified in the lease.
  • Consider taking important valuables with you.
  • Unplug any chargers.
  • Pay rent and utilities.
  • Take out trash.
  • Empty mailbox.
  • Do not pack belongings in your car the night before as this causes easy access for items to be stolen.
  • Clean the refrigerator.
  • Inventory/document valuable items left in the apartment.
  • Check with your landlord about any other specific instructions before leaving for an extended period of time.

Whether students are planning to stay on campus or go somewhere for spring break, here are some helpful tips to remember when drinking:

  • Follow the 0-0-1-3 rule. Zero drinks under 21, 0 drinking and driving, 1 drink an hour, and limit 3 drinks per night.
  • Never leave a drink unattended. Refrain from drinking from a shared source, such as a jug of jungle juice.
  • Use a bathroom! Public urination is an ordinance violation that carries a fine.
  • Avoid shots and drinking games. Also, eat before you drink.
  • Underage possession or consumption of alcohol is an ordinance violation that carries a fine.
  • If you choose to party, do so in a group of friends. There is safety in numbers.
  • Do not mix alcohol with other intoxicants.

Remember, even if you receive a drinking ticket in another city or state, the police report could come back to University. You must follow the Code of Student Conduct while you are enrolled as a student at Illinois State.

For more advice on preparing for break, contact Leadership and Community Connections at (309) 438-7346.