The following resources might be helpful to school districts and the community partners who work with them.

Lumina state postsecondary attainment briefing: Lumina Foundation will be hosting a webinar to present its approach to counting certificates nationally and how these credentials are included in this year’s Stronger Nation report. The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce will explain its methodology and present estimates of certificate attainment in each state at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 12. Eastern Time. Join the webcast here.

The Value of Credentials for Disadvantaged Workers. The report estimates the causal impact on earnings from obtaining a postsecondary career certificate or industry-recognized certification for low-income job seekers. The authors found that well-designed, sector-focused training programs significantly benefit many low-income workers by providing training and support, especially helping those who might not otherwise earn credentials to do so. The certificates earned by the program group members who were induced by the program to obtain a certificate, on average, increased their earnings by $10,808 over the first two years after enrollment. (Source: Aspen Institute).