Below are resources for early childhood professionals and those serving the early childhood community.

National P-3 Institute: Applications are now open for the October 24–27, 2016, team-based National P-3 Institute. This four-day professional education institute will focus on implementation and evaluation of comprehensive P-3 approaches and is hosted by the National P-3 Center at the University of Washington. The institute will take place in Seattle. The Institute will provide participating teams with opportunity to engage with researchers, expert-practitioners, and others about promising approaches to create greater alignment and coherence across the preschool through third grade continuum. Equally important, teams will be provided extensive time and innovative tools to refine and strengthen their own locally-based strategic P-3 plans. As in the past, this institute is designed for attendance by teams of leaders who are actively working together on a geographically defined P-3 approach (district, community, or state level). *Applications (one per team) are due by July 22, 2016*.

K-3 Thinkers’ Meeting: 
From July 25–26, 2016, in Chicago, the Education Commission of the States will host its K-3 Thinkers’ Meeting as part of the new Strengthening the Early Learning Continuum: Quality from Kindergarten through Third Grade national project. This initiative was designed to evaluate and address the current K-3 policy landscape in order to provide students with better outcomes. Stay tuned for more details.

Preschool Academic Skills Improve Only When Instruction is Good to ExcellentNew research combining eight large child care studies reveals that preschools prepare children to succeed academically when teachers provide higher quality instruction.

Free Education Brief Focuses on Early Childhood Assessments.
 This brief describes how states can make continued efforts toward ensuring children enter kindergarten ready to succeed and on track to read at grade level by the end of third grade.