The following resources might be helpful to school districts and the community partners who work with them.

Workers With College Degrees Now Outnumber Those With High School Diplomas, Study Finds.
 For the first time in U.S. history, people with college degrees make up a larger portion of the workforce than those with high school diplomas, the report found. And the recovery from the Great Recession has barely made a dent in bringing back the jobs people with high school diplomas used to count on for decent pay and benefits. (Chicago Tribune, July 1).

Leveraging Community Resources: Creating Successful Partnerships to Improve Schools. Educational leaders increasingly acknowledge the importance of developing partnerships to address pressing and persistent educational concerns. This article reports the results of a qualitative case study that examined an exurban district’s efforts to improve educational outcomes through the development of multisector partnerships with community organizations and private-sector businesses. The results highlight key aspects of successful collaborations and suggest a need to include the study of partnership development in preparation programs for educational leaders.