Professor Julie Webber from the Department of Politics and Government presented “Women in High Office: Why Now?” at the International Studies Seminar Series on September 7, 2016.

Webber pointed out that a number of women from G-20 countries have recently ascended to high office. The U.S. has its first woman candidate for president on a major party ticket. Women leaders have also been successful at election in strong presidential systems, a previously difficult feat.

Why now are women able to achieve this difficult milestone, especially in the U.S. and Europe? Webber discussed the positive effect of women’s movements and women’s increasing education and work status, culminating in them running for legislative office. The next stage has been women who become party leaders and fill competitive cabinet posts, leaving them poised to run for high office when favorable conditions arose.

The event was sponsored by the Office of International Studies and Program and co-sponsored by the Department of Politics and Government.