Here are some new resources and news for the field of higher education.

GA’s Rising Cost of College Detailed in Auditor’s Review — A state auditor’s review of college costs in Georgia has given legislators a base line for an outside study of college affordability and will help them prepare a plan to keep the University System of Georgia and technical schools churning out graduates in high-demand fields. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 2)

When Colleges Rely on Adjuncts, Where Does the Money Go? — With regard to savings, the studies suggest that what colleges are saving on instructional costs isn’t resulting in more investment in tenure-track faculty, as some might hope. Rather, the savings appear to be showing up elsewhere, if at all. (Inside Higher Ed, Jan. 5)

State-Federal Partnerships in Postsecondary Education — To support policymaking efforts, Education Commission of the States coordinated the creation of 10 policy briefs focused on the interaction between state- and federal-level policies pertaining to higher education. The briefs are composed by a diverse collection of education policy thought leaders representing state and federal perspectives from both a public and private viewpoint.