The theme this school year at Metcalf is focused on Learner Qualities, with each of seven qualities being a main focus during each month’s professional development session.

Twelve Metcalf teachers and administrators will travel this spring to Stonefields School in Auckland, New Zealand, to learn more about assessing these Learner Qualities. They are Jennifer Kane, Jennie Frank, Melissa McClelland, Camille Strode, Amy Fritson-Coffman, Megan Bozarth, Christine Paxson, Christen Wenzlaff, Brittney Minton, Kim Walker-Smith, Heather Marshall, Andy Goveia, and Mike Jones.

Their visit is modelled on the stages of the learning process: building knowledge, making meaning, and applying understanding. While at Stonefields, they will be attending workshops on Learner Qualities and how learning is defined with this in mind.