The faculty and staff of the Illinois State University School of Social Work stand in unison with the National Association of Social Workers with condemnation of the ugly hate demonstrated by white supremacy groups and neo-Nazi groups that resulted in tragic loss of life in Charlottesville, Virginia.

As social workers we believe in the inherent dignity and worth of all people and we support diverse opinions and perspectives, but nonetheless, there should be NO place in our society for hate and violence. Any act of oppression, discrimination, or violence is a threat to our collective humanity. There is no defense or explanation that can make this immoral ugliness right. As social workers it is our responsibility to be active agents of change by challenging and dismantling structures of oppression within society.

The events of this past week shock us to the reality that our work towards inclusion, equity, and equality in our world is not nearly done. Much work remains; we urge all social workers to actively engage in our moral, ethical, and professional responsibility to challenge, confront, and end hate.