We have worked hard to revitalize and rebrand the program, which now features the Honors Learning Framework that combines marketable skills with memorable experiences. The “6 X 6” framework includes the six Dimensions of Honors Learning, woven throughout six unique Honors Learning Experiences. Students can choose an Honors Learning Experience each semester to customize their education and add value to their degree. This framework challenges each learner to strengthen important marketable skills that are valuable across all disciplines.

The Dimensions of Honors Learning are the learning outcomes for our program. We added Intercultural Competency as our 6th Dimension in the fall of 2017. Intercultural Competency focuses on helping students understand how culture and context affect people’s worldviews and how to effectively communicate and work with a variety of people.

The six Honors Learning Experiences feature some of our traditional options such as Honors Contracts and Honors Research, as well as some new opportunities such as Honors Travel and Honors Explorations. Offering a variety of choices among the experiences allows students to choose options that work best for their academic goals.

Together, these dimensions and experiences give students a unique combination of skills and opportunities, allowing our students to define what Honors means to them.