The following resources focus on the educational climate and betterment of those serving the K–12 educational community.

The Arts in Schools of Choice  A first-of-its-kind examination of state policies connecting school choice and arts education, this new Policy Brief includes examples of practices and initiatives that showcase the intersection of these two fields. While existing research is minimal, the featured state examples capture the current policy landscape for state policymakers focused on ensuring access to the arts in education to support lasting student success.

The Biggest Education News Story You’ve Never Heard Of  There’s no shortage of journalism focusing on education. But little of it has examined a fundamental question: What gets taught in our schools and how? (Forbes)

The National Equity Project is excited to announce the new Midwest District Network, launching in fall 2019. This network will provide an opportunity for school district teams to connect and learn with other districts from across the Midwest that are actively engaged in efforts to increase educational equity for their students and particularly those students who we have served least well in our schools and communities. The network will run for two school years (2019-20 and 2020-21).

Quality, Like Time, Is Important In the Early Years  Last week, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed into statute H.B. 1262, which makes full-day kindergarten available to every kindergarten-age child, beginning this fall.  With the addition of Colorado, there are now 14 states and the District of Columbia that require districts to offer full-day-kindergarten. Research tells us that students in full-day-kindergarten make stronger academic gains.

Hidden No More: How States and Districts Are Helping K-12 Homeless Students  States and districts are finding avenues to assist homeless students, a population who struggles to be seen and whose numbers continue to rise in many states. State educational agencies reported that 1.3 million homeless students were enrolled in public schools during the 2016-17 school year. Imagine that number for a moment—1,355,821—which is more than the entire student population of the New York City school system. This is a 7 percent increase from the 2014-15 school year.