Spiritual wellness involves developing an inner connection and harmony between yourself and all the wonders of the universe. Avoid believing in the common misconception that spirituality is the same as being religious. Although there’s overlap between spiritual wellness and religion, religion is only a component of spirituality and it’s not a requirement to fully embrace spirituality.

Just like there are multiple ways for individuals to cultivate well-being, there is more than one way to be in tune with your spiritual wellness. Consider ways you can engage with your spirituality to meet your individual needs. Asking yourself, “where do I find meaning?” or “how do I feel connected?”, are questions that you can ask to get in touch with your spiritual side. Think of your spiritual wellness a side of you that needs to be nourished, because it is a dimension that needs to be fed and fueled by your individual preferences of beliefs, values, and connectedness. Below are some tips that can lead you to greater spiritual wellness:

Think positively
Your emotions deeply intertwine with your spirituality, and that is why it is important to think positively. Show gratitude every day, even for the things we may take for granted. When you increase feelings of optimism, then you’ll see the world as a better place and have the potential to spread joy to those around you.

Build resiliency
Recognize when something is bothering you and take time to process how you feel about it. Resiliency is accepting the things that we cannot change. Even when you’re having a bad day, try to find inspiration through the good that’s yet to happen. Resiliency helps us find balance in our lives and reframes our perspective on life.

Reach your goals
Incorporate quiet reflection, prayer, and/or meditation on a daily basis to consider what is important to you. Ask yourself how to align your actions with your core beliefs and values. Then, begin to set small goals for yourself and celebrate your accomplishments more often, and don’t lose sight of your goals.

Emphasize your spiritual wellness using these tips to set yourself up for well-being. Create a solid foundation for spiritual wellness by thinking positively, being resilient, and reaching for your goals.

Support your well-being
Join Live Well with EIGHT at STATE, a free incentive-based program supporting Illinois State University students, staff, and faculty. The Eight at State initiative emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to well-being by intentionally focusing on eight dimensions of wellness: emotional,  environmental financial intellectual,  physical social spiritual, and  vocational. Engaging with Live Well is simple – participants will record day to day activities that align with one or more of the eight dimensions over the course of the program as a way to track progress. Activities recorded accrue points and participants become eligible to win prizes.