Distinguished Professor Dr. Ali Riaz has published a commentary on the India-China-Bangladesh relationships.

Riaz highlighted the ongoing China-India rivalry in Bangladesh in the context on growing influence of China in South Asia. He noted that  the Bangladesh-India relationship has come to the spotlight in recent months, with a new twist to it—the looming shadow of China. What was previously a matter of academic discussion has now become a standard media talking point.

In the commentary published in the New Atlanticist of the Atlantic Council titled, “As the Sino-Indian rivalry heats up, watch Bangladesh carefully,” Riaz wrote, “Bangladesh’s closeness with China, especially at a time when the Indo-Chinese rivalry has reached new heights, and Beijing’s other attempts to align with smaller nations has become a source of discomfort to India.

The growing criticisms of Bangladeshi policy—veiled in concerns about falling into a Chinese ‘debt trap’— by the Indian press and think tanks are reflection of this displeasure.” Riaz writes that while the common interpretation is that the Bangladesh government’s recent closeness with China is driven my economic necessity, especially funding for infrastructural development. political considerations are also behind the gradual shift. “Undoubtedly rivalry between India and China will intensify in South Asia in coming months and years ahead. With its position between the two rivals, Bangladesh will be a primary arena to watch the future competition,” Riaz concluded.