Recreation administration graduate student shares research with peers across Illinois

student in cap and gown posing behind sign

Skylar Blasz found her passion and calling early on in her educational career at Illinois State. After completing her undergraduate degree in therapeutic recreation in 2019, she enrolled in the recreation administration graduate program and has found a way to impact other students through her own research work. She has spent the semester conducting research

Serving the COE technology needs

Tech Training

The EdTech Team has created a new team of Technology Integrationists (TIs) to help serve your needs. TIs have experienced a wealth of training across a variety of educational technology and have demonstrated an ability for creative problem-solving using technology-based solutions to work with faculty and support instructional technologies.

Advancing education through the College of Education centers

DeGarmo Hall in winter

There are several centers housed within the College of Education that are an integral component of the work we do. Each center is responsible for producing a wealth of amazing research and other efforts to advance the education profession.

Dr. Kyle Miller’s research highlight

Dr. Kyle Miller is an Associate Professor of Child Development and Elementary Education in the School of Teaching and Learning. In addition to her teaching, she has three research areas that she is very passionate about: Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Self-care as part of trauma informed teaching, and fathers’ engagement with their children.

Community-based partnerships update

Teacher and student in classroom

The College of Education is excited about three new community-based programs, under the name CommuniTeach which will provide the quality of an Illinois State education in students’ home communities. Each program is in different phases of developing local teachers for their communities.