SEL resources for reopening

While reopening and transition plans are taking shape differently in every district, the pandemic has reinforced that SEL is a core purpose of education – not just an additive to academic learning. To help districts meet the needs of educators and learners during these periods of transition, we’ve bundled a set of SEL resources for supporting student and adult well-being in this new toolkit—complete with “how to” instructions and templates for use.

The Parabola Project

This project was developed through a collaboration with The Learning Accelerator and Ariadne Labs to provide tools, strategies, and resources for schools to implement safety measures that minimize health risks while maximizing students’ learning and wellness during COVID-19.

Structural Racism Explainer Collection

A new collection from the Urban Institute’s Racial Equity Analytics Lab synthesizes the impact of structural racism across various policy areas—including tools that school authorities can use to help racially integrate schools, despite the persistence of residential segregation.