Chris Mulligan, CHE, was awarded the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Award. This award promotes academic research in mass spectrometry by faculty members and their students at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs).  

Paul Ugor, ENG, has been awarded a prestigious fellowship at the National Humanities Center for the 2021-2022 academic year. 

Gabiel Gudding, ENG, translated from Norwegian “such a friend to everyone” (“en sånn venn med alle”), “white man’s ghoul” (“hvit manns gjenferd”), “known and unknown national poets” (“kjente og ukjente nasjonalpoeter”), “the students” (“studentene”), “the wave” (“bølgen”) by Gunnar Wærness from his book Venn med alle (Friends with Everyone) for LIT Magazine.   

Isaac Chang and Kevin Devine, TEC, with student Gunnar Klitzing, wrote “Using Virtual Reality for Industrial Robot Programming: A Preliminary Study” for the Journal of Engineering Technology.  

Stephen Mertens and Kristina Falbe, TCH, co-edited the book, As he saw it: Contributions, memories, and reflections of John H. Lounsbury (Information Age Publishing). The book contains chapters by Mertend, Falbe, and Douglas Hatch, TCH 

G. Logan Miller, ANT, published “Ritual, Labor Mobilization, and Monumental Construction in Small-Scale Societies: The Case of Adena and Hopewell in the Middle Ohio River Valley” in Current Anthropology

Abdelmounaam Rezgui, IT, co-authored “Predicting Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay and Mortality Using Patient Vital Signs: Machine Learning Model Development and Validation” for JMIR Medical Informatics/Journal of Medical Internet Research

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