August 2021
30 years
Sarita Marlene Cox, Grad Student Recrtmt Business, 8/12/1991
Erin Marie Dwyer, Application Services, 8/30/1991
Cameo Wonnell Good, Registrar, 8/19/1991

25 years
Mildred Gardner, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/19/1996
Shuntua Stonewall, University Police Department, 8/5/1996
James Anthony Wall, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/19/1996

20 years
Steven E. Ball, Infrastructure Op & Networking, 8/13/2001
Elizabeth A. Banks, Comptroller’s Office, 8/13/2001
Denise J. Brown, TechZone Student Technologies, 8/13/2001
Elizabeth L. Gerrard, Technology, 8/6/2001
Cindy Ann Greskiwcz, Dean of Applied Sci & Tech, 8/6/2001
Mary Martha Hinthorne, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/9/2001

15 years
Philip R. Cade, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/21/2006
Amanda Sue Goggin, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/28/2006
Kenneth Eugene Jones, Event Mgmt Dining Hospitality, 8/14/2006
Amber Kelly Thomas, Ctr Teaching, Learning & Tech, 8/1/2006

10 years
Amber E. Bostwick, Teaching and Learning, 8/29/2011
Christina Ann Bray, Registrar, 8/1/2011
Mark A. Gramley, Environmental Health & Safety, 8/22/2011
Kevin Lee Hand, Office of Technology Solutions, 8/22/2011
Alexandria Leigh Ratcliff, International Studies, 8/26/2011
Sally Ann Rowan, Finance, Insurance and Law, 8/22/2011
Cristian A. Sandu, Web Interactive Communications, 8/29/2011
Angela Lynn Smith, Health Services, 8/8/2011
Krista Mae Smith, Health Services, 8/8/2011
Cynthia Louise Wert, Wonsook Kim School of Art, 8/1/2011