“Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are our gardeners” —William Shakespeare. A good gardener works hard in his garden and later enjoys the fruits of his garden. You can only do and enjoy the things you love when you are physically well.

Paying attention to what you put into your body, how much activity you get, and your weight are important for keeping your body working properly. Positive physical health habits can help decrease stress, reduce disease risk, and increase energy. You must listen to and take care of your body for optimal health and functioning.

Optimal Physical Wellness includes connecting with your physical self and avoiding harmful habits while remaining focused on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. It involves making good choices regarding physical activity and body movement, stress, sleep, alcohol, illness prevention, nutrition, and sexual health, among others.

Check in with your physical wellness

  • Do you eat healthy foods, stay hydrated through the day, and listen to your hunger cues?
  • Do you keep a consistent sleep schedule and get seven hours of sleep per night?
  • Do you move your body daily?
  • Are you practicing safer sex with condoms and contraception?
  • Are you making alcohol, nicotine, and other drug choices that align with your values?
  • Do you have a habit of regularly washing your hands to prevent colds and flu?

There are many ways to take care of your body for optimal health and functioning. Make a conscious effort to pay attention to your physical wellness daily and see the impact.

Join our LIVE WELL with EIGHT at STATE Program and track your Physical Wellness this month.

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