Hello, Redbirds!

We are a little over the midway point of our summer and are looking forward to a very full and exciting fall semester. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I wanted to take a little time to highlight some of the wonderful things that have been happening on campus recently.


Our staff around the Division of Student Affairs had a busy spring semester and, as always, produced some outstanding work. As you look through these stories, I hope you’ll get a chance to appreciate the many ways our Division works to inspire current and future students while engaging our Redbird alumni.


I wish a wonderful rest of your summer!


Go Birds!


Dr. Levester “LJ” Johnson


Vice President for Student Affairs

two women sorting canned food

Redbirds recorded over 350 hours, hosted multiple service projects, and made gifts to support scholarships during the month of June for #RedbirdImpact Month.

Reggie mascot in front of football crowd

Learn about Homecoming 2022 main events and how to nominate for this year’s alumni royalty.

Jim Bennett headshot on red background

Illinois Department of Human Rights Director Jim Bennett shared his story on the Redbird Buzz podcast.

Four awards displayed on table

The Division of Student Affairs is now seeking nominations for the Steve and Sandi Adams Legacy Hall of Fame and the Redbird Proud Young Alumni awards.

If you’re an employer, register early for the fall career fairs. Spaces are limited and fill-up quickly.

Kass, Linda, and Helen visiting the bust of Reggie on Redbird Plaza

Earlier this summer Helen (Moser) Petersen ’70 reunited on the Illinois State University campus with two friends she met while living on the third floor of Atkin Hall in the late 1960s.