Christa Lawhun

The Civil Service Council will feature a Civil Service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus. This month, learn about and applaud Facilities Management Customer Service Representative Christa Lawhun.

Aondover Tarhule headshot on red background

President Aondover Tarhule joins Redbird Buzz to share what the first few weeks of his presidency have looked like, details of the path he took to get to this point, and what he hopes his legacy will be.

Pam Cooper next to Reggie Redbird statue at Redbird Plaza

Members of the Illinois State University community are invited to a retirement reception for Career Services Director Pamela J. Cooper.

Closeup of numbers on calendar page

Faculty and staff who have a dependent child attending Illinois State University should start submitting a tuition waiver application to Human Resources on June 1st.  This will ensure that a credit is received on the first tuition bill.  

Reggie Redbird mascot stands next to two Pass It On bins.

The Office of Sustainability is looking for campus and community members to volunteer at Pass It On Donation Stations during Move-Out this year.

Reggie Redbird reading a book

Get in a good read and discussion with fellow Redbirds to kick off the summer.

Illinois State university bridge in spring

Please applaud these new, promoted, reclassified, and retiring Civil Service employees.

flowers on campus

Celebrating years of service at Illinois State University.

Tell us what’s happening!

If you have any news you’d like included in the Openline please follow instructions here. If you’d like to nominate a civil service employee for the Civil Service Spotlight, please follow instructions here.