Dr. Matt Caplan

Illinois State’s High Performance Computing cluster is enabling Dr. Matt Caplan to study the inner workings of neutron stars and other mysteries of the universe.

Kee-Yoon Nahm and Dr. Leslie Sloan Orr on stage

Dr. Leslie Sloan Orr and Kee-Yoon Nahm have been diversifying Illinois State’s theatre offerings for years through the Crossroads Project.

Youmi Hong checks on the equipment she is using to investigate underwater disturbances in Six Mile Creek: a hydrophone, a recording device, and turbidity sensors, which she stored in two tubes.

Graduate student Youmi Hong conducted an innovative eco-acoustic study to determine what was causing underwater disturbances in Six Mile Creek.

Illinois State University is home to one of the most prolific researchers of India’s business world, Dr. Somnath Lahiri, who specializes in international business and management research.

A poster excerpt showing circus performers presented onstage as part of The Barnum & Bailey Show, circa 1899. (Image/Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.)

In this Redbird Scholar Q-and-A, Angela Yon, assistant professor and cataloging and metadata librarian at Milner Library, discusses the interactive digital exhibit, Agency Through Otherness: Portraits of Performers in Circus Route Books, 1875–1925, which is based on the library’s circus route books digital collection.

Concept illustration of the expansion of Illinois State University’s Mennonite Lab Building.

Enhancement and expansion of the Mennonite Lab Building will soon remove obstacles to faculty research.

Check out the latest research and grant news from the spring issue of Redbird Scholar magazine.

man at typewriter

Check out the latest books from #RedbirdScholar faculty in the spring 2023 edition of Redbird Media.