Hello, Redbirds!
Welcome back to campus, and to our newest Redbirds, welcome to Illinois State! We have sincerely missed having ALL of our Redbirds on campus over the last year, and are excited for students to return to their home away from home.

Each fall, I remind students about the importance of looking out for your fellow Redbirds. This is more important than ever, as we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our Redbird community, while providing the experiences and traditions that Illinois State is known for. As always, I encourage you to show care and support for your peers, and help each other make safe, responsible decisions. In addition, I hope you will continue to do your part in keeping our campus healthy.

While we know this is an exciting time of year as you reconnect with your peers and make new friends, we also understand that stress and anxiety about the unknown may be high. Please remember that the Division of Student Affairs is here to support you. We hope you take advantage of well-being resources such as Redbirds Keep Thriving and the many opportunities to connect with others in the Redbird community through our in-person and virtual programs and services, registered student organizations, and more. Visit the Redbird Life involvement portal for more information about these opportunities.

We recognize that there may be challenges along the way as we adapt to our ever-changing circumstances. But I am confident that we will not only persist as a community, but thrive together as a Redbird family, because that’s what we do at Illinois State.

Once again, welcome to campus! I wish you an outstanding start to your fall 2021 semester!

Go Birds!

Dr. Levester “LJ” Johnson
Vice President for Student Affairs

Bone Student Center

To celebrate the completion of the Bone Student Center Revitalization, Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality (EMDH) will host two days of free events and activities at the Bone Student Center.

SGA president holding Redbirds Move Forward vaccine sign

Illinois State University wants to hear from our students, faculty, and staff about why it is important to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Students participate in Welcome Week activities

Project Bird Tracks can help you find opportunities at Illinois State. Watch for the Bird Tracks survey coming soon to your ISU email.

Creative Con connects creative students with alumni and employers with creative skills.

Save the date for the upcoming fall career fairs.

Reggie giving high five to runner

Get ready to run on campus or your favorite route for the Homecoming 2021 hybrid 5K.

Students standing in front of ISU sign

Check out some of the best tweets, videos, and posts from move-in and #RedbirdWelcome.