In celebration of Founder’s Day on February 16, Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality will offer faculty and staff discounts at both dining centers every Friday in February.
Unit: Student Affairs
School districts to recruit Redbirds at Education Career Fair
Administrators, superintendents, and other employers from the field of education come to campus to identify Redbird candidates for their open positions.
Students, alumni identify full-time employment at Spring Career Fair
It may be cold outside, but it’s not too soon for students who are graduating to start pursuing employment options for the spring.
Show your heart some love with heart healthy food swaps
What better time to show your heart some love than during National Heart Month in February.
Resources for reporting an incident
Illinois State University students have avenues to report and talk about incidents that cause them alarm, fear, or could be potentially dangerous.
February Therapeutic Rec opportunities at SFC
Campus Recreation offers many opportunities to get involved in exciting and unique programs.
Take a hike with the Adventure program
Explore new destinations and come hiking with the Adventure Program at Campus Recreation.
Why is privilege such a hot-button word?
Mayuko Nakamura, who conducts workshops on diversity and inclusion, explores why privilege is such a contested term.
Leaders of Social Change trip leaves great impact
Leaders of Social Change is a five day trip organized by the Leadership and Community Connections unit of the Dean of Students Office.
Fraternity and Sorority Life hosts successful President’s Retreat
Over the weekend of January 21 and 22, members of Fraternity and Sorority Life headed to Lake Williamson Christian Center for an annual retreat.