The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is proud to celebrate its faculty’s publications, presentations, and other creative works from 2023-2024.

Authored books and translations

Stanlaw, J., Adachi, N., Salzmann, Z. (2023). Turkish translation of Language, Culture, and Society, 7th ed. by James Stanlaw, Nobuko Adachi, Zdenek Salzmann, (pp. 500).

Toro-Morn, M., García, I. (2024). Puerto Ricans in Illinois. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press.

Journal articles

Adachi, N. (2024). Social and Cultural Hazards, From the 3.11 Disaster Through Today’s Global Warming: Shifting Conceptions of the Soma Nomaoi Cavalry Event in Fukushima, Japan. Social Sciences, 13(6).

Dougherty, M. L. (2024). Syllabus as Argument in an Era of Politicized Pedagogy. Sociological Forum (1.8 IF)(

Hunter, G. (2024). Edible Insects. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Food Studies.

Story, A., Hunter, G., Roberts, W. (2023). “Mentoring Undergraduate Research and Centering Collaboration”. Practicing Anthropology, 45(4), 25-31.

Mukusha, L., Miller, L., Smith, A., Bebber, M., Spurlock, L., Garrath, J., Ortiz, J., Wilson, M., Buchanan, B., Boulanger, M., Eren, M. (2024). Hit or Miss: Do Microscopic Linear Impact Traces (MLITs) Form on Clovis Stone Tips Launched Via Atlatl into Foliage and Sediment? Journal Of Archaeological Science: Reports, 55.

Miller, L. (2024). Settling Down with Anthropomorphic Clay Figurines in Eastern North America. Frontiers in Human Dynamics: Institutions and Collective Action, 6.

Eren, M., Miller, L., Story, B., Wilson, M., Bebber, M., Buchanan, B. (2024). North American Clovis Point Form and Performance IV: An Experimental Assessment of Knife Edge Effectiveness and Wear. Lithic Technology.

Smith, A., Stephens, C., Mielke, D., Wilson, A., Debolt, T., Groseclose, F., Hothem, P., Boulanger, M., Buchanan, B., Miller, L., Bebber, M., Eren, M. (2024). NEWLY REPORTED CLOVIS POINTS AND POSSIBLE PREFORMS FROM OR NEAR THE WELLING, MIELKE, AND DEBOLT FARM SITES, OHIO. Northeast Anthropology, 91-92, 52-78.

Leslie, D., Miller, L. (2023). Early Paleoindian Personal Adornment: An Example from the Brian D. Jones Site in Avon, Connecticut. PaleoAmerica, 9, 48-59.

Pitluck, A. (2024). “Sometimes it looks fake”: Hiyal and contrivances as tools for exploring aspirations for radical social change. Economic Anthropology, 11(2), 235-45.

Pitluck, A. (2023). The Interpretive and Relational Work of Financial Innovation: A Resemblance of Assurance in Islamic Finance. Journal of Cultural Economy, 16(6), 793-811. Open access.

Sprecher, S. (2023). Listening and responsiveness in getting-acquainted processes. Current Opinion in Psychology, 52: 101645.

Kanter, J., Lannin, D. G., Rauer, A., Sprecher, S., Yazedjian, A., McCraig, J. (2023). The impacts of specific program components on romantic relationship satisfaction.

Sprecher, S. (2023). The vignette method: A flexible method for capstone courses and as a supplemental learning experience in research labs. College Teaching, 71(2), 75-81.

Stone, A. C., Kennedy, K., Miller, L., Skousen, J., Lange, R. (2024). Isotopic evidence for non-local elk hunting by the Noble-Wieting community. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Suwandi, I. (2023). Yes, Imperialism Is Still Relevant, and the Struggles Against It Will Continue—An Interview with Intan Suwandi. Class, Race and Corporate Power, 11(2).

Turner, J., Milburn, T. (2024). Citizen empowerment as a police force multiplier: Reproducing social domination through a 21st century personal safety app. Crime, Media, Culture, 1-19.

Turner, J. (2024). Book Review: Macrocriminology and Freedom. Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, 5(1), 75-77.×231173412

Triplett, R., Turner, J. (2023). Revisiting Akers’ Social Structure and Social Learning from a Problem-Solving Approach: Symbolic Interactionism, Humans as Acting, and Social Structure. DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, 44(2), 16.

Book chapters

Navas Mendez, A. M., Scaramelli, F., Di Prinzio, A., Scaramelli, K. (2024). Metallurgy and Colonization in the Eighteenth-Century Jesuit Missions of the Middle Orinoco Basin, Venezuela. Venezuelan Historical Archaeology: Current Perspectives on Contact, Colonialism, and Independence. Peer-reviewed volume edited by Konrad A. Antczak. Sidestone Press

Harasymchuck, C., Regan, P., Sprecher, S. (2023). Desire: The pursuit of physical, psychological, interpersonal (and sexual) pleasure. The Emotionality of Social Life (pp. 75-91).

Mensan, R. and Stone, A.C. (2024) Une structure funéraire en « silo » à Nora. Nora, ville islamique de l’Éthiopie médiévale (fin du XIIIe-début du XVIe siècle): les fouilles de 2008 (pp. 141-152). Peer-reviewed volume edited by F-X Fauvelle and R. Mensan. Centre français des études éthiopiennes, Addis Ababa.

Academic Conference Papers Presented in the US

Adachi, N., Annual Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, “How Might a Cultural Practice Be Sustained?: Survival Strategies in the Soma Nomaoi Cavalry Festival in Fukushima, Japan,” Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Notre Dame, IN. (September 15, 2024).

Adachi, N., The Annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, “Diversity Among the Victims of the 3.11 Disaster: How Secondary Hazards Are Differentially Affecting Participants in the Nomaoi Ceremony,” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM. (March 30, 2024).

Adachi, N., Global Perspectives, Multicultural Manners, “Global Perspective, Japan,” College of Business, Illinois State University, Normal, IL. (November 9, 2023).

Adachi, N., Midwest Japan Seminar, “The Secondary Hazards of the 3.11 Disaster at Fukushima: Shifting the Socio-Cultural Values of the Soma Nomaoi Cavalry Event,” Midwest Japan, Urbana-Champaign, IL. (September 30, 2023).

Adachi, N., Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, “Social Aftershocks and Shifting Cultural Values Following the Fukushima, Japan, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster: A Thousand-year-old Samurai Ceremony Becomes a Tourist Horse Festival,” Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Urbana-Champaign, IL. (September 29, 2023).

Dougherty, M. “Teaching Climate Change: Syllabus as Argument,” Keynote/Plenary Address, Conference, Eastern Sociological Society, Washington, D.C. National, New Scholarship, Refereed, Invited. (March 2024).

Driscoll, KRD., Patterson, S., Martin, S., 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA), “Learning from Casts? Testing assigned ancestry using FORDISC,” Los Angeles, CA. (March 21, 2024).

Whitney, L., Hefter, E., Miller, L., Eastern States Archaeological Federation, “Of Course it’s Quartz: Preliminary Results and Lithic Analysis from Site 107 -23 in Orange, CT,” Ocean City, MD. (October 2023).

Miller, L., Farnsworth, K., Midwest Archaeological Conference, “Crane and Loy: Middle Woodland Settlements on Macoupin Creek, Greene County, Illinois,” Bowling Green, KY. (October 2023).

Navas Méndez, A. M., MacDonald, B., Pierce, D., 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), “Characterization of Mendoza and Cortezo pigments: communities of practice and ceramic production in pre-Columbian Panama (AD 1300-1500),” New Orleans. (April 2024).

Pitluck, A. 43rd Annual meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology, ‘Sometimes it looks fake’: Hiyal and pragmatic incrementalism as tools for exploring Islamic banking and the Anthropology of the Good,” Northwestern University. (May 19, 2024).

Putt S.S.J. Promoting Primate Education and Conservation at Miller Park Zoo. Center for Civic Engagement, Illinois State University. Poster presentation. (April 11, 2024.)

Putt S.S.J., Holden C. Stone flaking actions of an enculturated bonobo (Pan paniscus). 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Reno, NV. (June 20, 2024.)

Patterson S.E., Putt S.S.J. Identifying handsaws from cut marks on bone: A microscopic trait analysis. 92nd Annual Meeting of American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV. (April 23, 2024).

Stanlaw, J., Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA 2023, ““Chico Will Scold You!”: Sound Symbolism, Folk Theories of Language, and Japanese-Pop-Culture.”,” Association for Asian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (October 1, 2023).

Stanlaw, J. (Chair), 72nd Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA 2023, ““New Asians in New Worlds: Crossing Old Boundaries and Old Borders”,” Association for Asian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (September 29, 2023).

Stone, A. C., Sociology and Anthropology Research Series, “Place Making within the Bantu Expansion,” Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Normal, IL. (October 6, 2023).

Stone, A. C., 26th Biennial Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, “Beyond Jenné-jeno: Reflections on the Teaching and Mentorship of Susan Keech McIntosh,” Society of Africanist Archaeologists, Houston, TX. (June 4, 2023).

Huerta, L., Pancrazio, J. J. (Author & Presenter), Toro-Morn, M. (Panelist), Huerta, L. (Panelist), Thriving at ISU, “Communities of Belonging and Success (COBAS): Faculty Dimensions,” CIPD, Normal, IL. (February 2024).

Whitesel, Jason. 2023. “Big-Gay Men Entering the Twenty-First Century: Global Perspectives on Fat-Affirming Subcultures and Imagery.” The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies, edited by Amy E. Farrell, 241-264. New York, NY: Routledge. Invited contribution.

Academic Conference Papers Presented outside the US

Dougherty, M., Guatemala Scholars Network, “Migración como Despojo,” Guatemala Scholars Network, Antigua, Guatemala. (July 2023).

Pitluck, A. (Author & Presenter), XX World Congress of Sociology, “Conflicts of interest as social structure,” International Sociological Association, Melbourne, Australia. (June 30, 2023).

Pitluck, A. Presenter and Participant, Economics and Human Natures International Workshop, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. (March 27-31, 2023).

Pitluck, A. Economic Sociology of Innovation International Workshop, “Problematizing Moral Views of Financial Innovation,” Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (February 16-18, 2023).

Schoenemann, P. T. (Author & Presenter), Yang, C.-L. (Author), Putt, S. (Author), Cognitive Science Society, “Degree of learning of an artificial grammar correlates with differential fMRI activation of Broca’s area,” Sydney, Australia. (July 21, 2023).

Stone, L. K. (Author & Presenter), American Anthropological Association, “Autogestión: Punk and the Popularization of Anarchist Ethics in Mexico City,” Toronto. (November 2023).

Suwandi, I., Heterodox Alternatives for a World of Multiple Crises/26th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, “Contesting the Transnationalisation of Capital:  Economic Imperialism and Multinational Corporations,” Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE), Online (Bristol, UK). (July 12, 2024).

Torrealba, G., XIV Sesquiannual Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, “Narrativas Generativas: Medios de Comunicación Indígenas e Historicidad en la Amazonía Peruana,” Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA), Leticia, Colombia. (July 27, 2023).

Other Published/Creative Works

Adachi, N. (September 26, 2024). “Cultural Sustainability and Ideological Shifts in a Post-Disaster Period: The Case of the Soma Nomaoi Cavalry Event in Fukushima After 3.11.” The University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Adachi, N. (February 29, 2024). Guest lecture at the “Seminar on Bi/Multilingualism in Japanese,” the East Asian Studies Center, Emory University, GA, USA. 

Dougherty, M. L. (2024). Rose J. Spalding, Breaking Ground: From Extraction Booms to Mining Bans in Latin America Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 308. Journal of Latin American Studies.

Miller, L. (2024). The Fertile Earth and the Ordered Cosmos: Reflections on the Newark Earthworks and World Heritage. M. Elizabeth Weiser, Timothy R. W. Jordan, and Richard D. Shiels. American Antiquity.

Navas Mendez, A. M., Guerrin, A. (2023). In the Lab – Florida Style: Analyzing Panamanian majolica production in the lab. Sarasota, Florida: Time Sifters Newsletter. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Suwandi, I. (2023). Review of The Contest for Value in Global Value Chains: Correcting for Distorted Distribution in the Global Apparel Industry (5th ed., vol. 19, pp. 699-704). Critical Perspectives on International Business.

Suwandi, I. (2023). Review of Vivek Chibber, The Class Matrix: Social Theory after the Cultural Turn (5th ed., vol. 52). Contemporary Sociology.