What is the Autism Spectrum Institute (ASI) at Illinois State University?
The ASI is a collaborative effort among the Departments of Special Education, Psychology, and Speech Pathology and Audiology. The primary purpose of the ASI is to provide support to pre-service and practicing professionals as well as parents and families of children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. The ASI offers resources including textbooks, resource guides, therapy materials, toys, and video and audio tapes. Book topics range from basic information on the characteristics of ASD to how to write an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for a child
with ASD. Resource guides include materials such as Hodgdon’s Visual Strategies for Communication and Bondy and Frost’s Picture Exchange Communication System manual. Therapy materials are primarily speech and language focused and geared toward vocabulary and conceptual development. Video and audio tape topics range from conference
presentations to pharmacological issues. Lastly, the ASI has created fact sheets on various areas related to ASD that can be e-mailed or sent to pre-service teachers, professionals, and parents. . Read more of the Statewide Standard