Mail to the Illinois State magazine editor for November 2011:


To the Editor,

I came to ISNU from a small Oklahoma college. I had classes on the second floor and it was a special comfort for me to enter Old Main (“Artifacts & Memories,” May 2011). It was the only spot on campus that felt like the Oklahoma schools where my youth had been spent. It was obvious that the building was about to outlive its usefulness, but it was sad for me to see it go.

Another good memory was going to the basement to check out books—a wonderful experience for me, who had never heard of textbooks being furnished to students. I worked in the cafeteria and the snack bar, and I remember that there were strict guidelines about how many hours one could work while carrying a certain amount of credit hours.

My third treasured memory of Old Main was the large bulletin board on the wall to the left of the main entrance. Notes of all kinds were left there. It gave a feeling of the “personalness” of the place.

I have always recognized the critical impact the years spent at ISNU had on my entire life. I became the very first teacher in Oklahoma with a special education degree.

Thanks for the memories!

JimAnn Oliver ’54


To the Editor,

I always enjoyed my time spent at Illinois State Normal University. I had excellent teachers who were very helpful to me, and I also enjoyed the extra-curricular activities provided for the students.

As I continued my education and teaching experiences, I more fully realized what a wonderful opportunity I was given during my years at ISNU. At age 97, I am so happy that I can continue to be active in alumni activities.

President Al Bowman and many of the staff members have been so kind to me. Thank you.

Roy O. Schilling ’35, ’40