The Dean of Students Office has developed a new Off-Campus Housing Database to help students as they search for off-campus housing. This database is a quick and easy resource for students to enhance their off-campus living experience.
Students can search for apartments or houses with criteria such as price, number of bedrooms, and whether pets are permitted. In addition to searching for vacant listings, students can also post when they need a roommate or someone to sublease their apartment. The database is also connected to Google Maps so students can easily see the proximity of potential housing to campus.
“The database is easy to use and student friendly. It is a tremendous resource for Illinois State students,” said Harriett Steinbach, from Off-Campus Services.
Students are encouraged to use this database and list their preferences for off-campus housing based on what they think is important. Students must log in with their ULID and password to access the database.
For questions about the housing database or living off campus, please call (309) 438-7346.
Marie Huels contributed to this article.