Leave your six-pack and hotdogs at home. These tailgaters are taking it to the next level.

As the Redbird football team puts together another championship run, Illinois State’s most loyal tailgaters are having a special season of their own. Inspired in part by the impressive North Dakota State tailgaters our fans met in Frisco, Texas, for the FCS championship game, Redbird fans have added big-screen TVs, full-size buses, and tons and tons of food to their tailgates this season.

And each tailgating crew has its own tradition. One group rotisseried 11 turkeys for this year’s Homecoming game. Another sings the ISU Fight Song together before walking over to Hancock Stadium.

The STATEside crew visited just a few of Hancock’s most impressive tailgating crews before the Homecoming game October 24. Here’s what it’s like to tailgate like a pro at Illinois State.

Contact the STATEside editor at rmdenha@IllinoisState.edu.

