Below are resources for early childhood professionals and those serving the early childhood community.
The Early Childhood Leadership Academy is seeking Illinois leaders from various sectors for three leadership programs that will commence this year. Three unique fellowship opportunities are available!
Partner Plan Act Conference—June 13, 2017 Join colleagues from around the state for the annual “Partner Plan Act” Conference focused on supporting local early childhood collaboration as a means for sustainable systems change that improve services and supports to children and families.
What is the Evidence Base to Support Reading Interventions for Improving Student Outcomes in Grades 1-3? This comprehensive review of research literature from 2002 to June 2014 assessed the evidence base supporting reading interventions in grades 1-3 to improve reading outcomes for students at risk of struggling with typical classroom reading instruction. The findings are based on studies of 20 interventions that the review team identified and determined met What Works Clearinghouse evidence standards. All but 1 of the 20 reading interventions demonstrated positive or potentially positive effects in at least one area of reading performance. (Southeast Regional Educational Laboratory at Florida State University)
[P-3] Consensus Statement: PreK Effects A task force comprised of esteemed social scientists from Brookings and Duke University has just issued six consensus statements on what is known about the effects of PreK. Not surprisingly, but of great importance, the scholars agree that what happens before, during, and after PreK all matter. Available electronically are a Brief Article from Brookings, a 16-page Consensus Statement, and 106-page Full Report.
ECE Reports The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) published a report offering states information and resources in developing early childhood policies relating to suspension and expulsions. On a similar topic, the Center for American Progress reviews critical problems with preschool suspension. The Build Initiative published an evaluation report on Illinois’ Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge and the state’s implementation.
Food Insecurity A recent child development study finds that food insecurity in early childhood affects school readiness in kindergarten and that the earlier a child experiences food insecurity the less ready for kindergarten they are. NPR reports on these findings.
Early Care and Education The US Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) released a report, “Defining and Measuring Access to High-Quality Early Care and Education (ECE): A Guidebook for Policymakers and Researchers.”
Head Start US Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana introduced a bill to give states greater control over Head Start regulations and standards. The National Head Start Association (NHSA) issued a statement in response.
Tennessee—Early-Grade Student Suspension Bill Passes House Tennessee could soon undertake a comprehensive look at discipline practices that lead to any prekindergarten and kindergarten kids being suspended from school. (Tennessean, April 10)