The letters I, L A, C, H, E, with teh words Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education underneath

Logo for the Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE).

The 26th annual Latino Professional and Student Development Conference of the Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE) is coming to ISU on April 20, 2018, at the Bone Student Center. The conference will bring hundreds of Latino students, faculty, staff, and administrators to campus for a day of workshops and special

woman smiling

Estela Mara Bensimón

presentations organized around the conference theme, Latino Resistance in Higher Education: A Legacy of Struggle.

For details about speakers and workshop topics and to register for the conference, see the ILACHE website:

Note that participants can register for the entire day or for just the luncheon, which will include the plenary address by Estela Mara Bensimón (University of Southern California), “Equity Mindedness as a Solution to Racial Inequality.” There is also a discounted student rate, and students are encouraged to attend.

Registration is open through April 12 at midnight. Registration fees for the full conference include an annual membership to ILACHE.