Below are resources for early childhood professionals and those serving the early childhood community.
The Impact of Natural Elements on Early Learning Spaces: A Global Perspective Monday, May 21 at 3 p.m. ET In this edWebinar, Gary Bilezikian, President of Guidecraft, will take you on a tour of global early childhood education – from New Zealand, to Thailand, to Chile, to China – in search of nature-based environments that promote a holistic educational model. You’ll learn how the legal, cultural, political, and religious frameworks impact and shape our understanding of the environment. Gary will also discuss great products and ideas that will inspire how you think about your environment, as well as provide ideas and strategies to enhance organic experiences within the built environment.
Building Cognitive Capacity to Support School Readiness Monday, June 18 at 3 p.m. ET Are language and math skills the best predictors for school readiness? This interactive edWebinar explores recent research as it not only relates to school readiness but emphasizes the need for developing executive functioning skills. Attendees may change the way they perceive and practice effective teaching and begin using cognitive-based strategies that can impact children’s success in school and possibly close the achievement gap.
Corporal Punishment and Preschoolers: What New Federal Data Show A new trove of federal civil rights data has, for the first time, captured a snapshot of the controversial practice of corporal punishment of preschoolers in the nation’s public schools.
Teach Kids When They’re Ready A new book for parents on developing their kids’ sense of autonomy has some useful insights for teachers as well.
DEC Position Statements The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) is collecting information on Multi Tiered Models of Intervention, often referred to as Response to Intervention (RTI). Most of us are involved in intervention plans as we demonstrate our concern for youngsters needing extra support and possibly becoming eligible for special education services. Let’s do what we can so that the model and format for this process becomes improved. This likely is getting to you too late for most to be able to join a focus group, but if you can, please do.