As students return to campus and seek part-time jobs, the Career Center is pleased to host its annual Part-time Job Fair on September 4. Held in the Bone Student Center, the event allows students to meet local employers seeking to hire Redbirds for part-time positions. Although part-time jobs may help many students financially, part-time employment can make a much larger impact than just making money.
Part-time jobs are practical experiences that provide many benefits to students. As they take on the commitment a job requires, they learn the value of work and its impact on their well-being and the economy. Part-time employment also helps students to develop transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership skills that employers seek from candidates when hiring. In addition, part-time work allows students opportunities to explore their interests, providing them with personal insights on their strengths and areas for development.
Students seeking part-time employment are encouraged to attend the Part-time Job Fair anytime from 3–6 p.m. to meet employers from local retailers, restaurants, nonprofit organizations, and other companies. They will need to bring their Redbird identification card and any other information they may need to complete a job application, such as a list of previous employers and their contact information, and their class schedule. Students are encouraged to dress business casual as interviews may be conducted at the fair.
Employer registration
Employers from the Bloomington-Normal community can participate in fair free of charge, but registration is required in advance on the Part-time Job Fair webpage. Employers should also bring any supplies needed such as a tablecloth, job applications, writing utensils, etc.
The Career Center assists all Illinois State University students with developing, evaluating, and implementing career decisions.