The Alumni Association and the College of Business’ Organizational Leadership Institute presented a series of virtual leadership programs to help leaders and potential leaders expand their tool kits, implement new practices, and challenge themselves to try new things. The sessions are available through the Alumni Association virtual resource website for anyone to watch and continue to learn. As Henry Ford stated, “You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader.”

What matters most in leadership?

Leadership advice is everywhere—books, articles, blogs, newsletters, and so on. On Amazon alone, a search of “Leadership” returns tens of thousands of books. A challenge for anyone in a leadership role, or aspiring to a leadership role, is sifting through this mountain of advice—some of which is contradictory—and focusing on those attributes that matter most. Here from Dr. Richard Ringer and his view on the five most essential attributes of effective leaders. Watch video.

Humor and leadership: How might it matter?

Appropriate humor might play a vital role in leadership effectiveness.  There are certainly “interpersonal” benefits to humor.  For example, humor can be useful in reducing and managing conflict, reduce barriers to open communication, and facilitates stronger interpersonal relationships. This session will focus on the types of humor that are beneficial to leaders and those that are not, how humor can provide interpersonal benefits to leaders and the organization, and how humor might be indicative of other key leadership traits. Watch video.

Virtual leadership: Is that even a thing?

Prior to March 2020, the mention of a surprising fad called virtual leadership would be met with the questions, “Is that actually a thing?” or “When did that become a thing?” However, recent events have dramatically increased the percentage of Americans working from home and those involved with remote or virtual teamwork. Watch video.

Power and politics in organizations: Is it really that bad?

Most of us think that “office politics” are bad and that political behavior is harmful to organizations. Some behavior that we consider political— backstabbing, deviousness, dishonestly, etc.—is wrong and can harm organizations. However, not all political behavior in organizations is “devious” and wrong. In fact, not only is political behavior a normal aspect of social systems, but it also can play a vital role in productive organizational outcomes. Watch video.

Check out more upcoming virtual professional development events through the Alumni Association or through the College of Business’ Organizational Leadership Institute.