The Lifestyle Enhancement program is just one way Health Promotion and Wellness supports the well-being of staff and faculty!

Lifestyle Enhancement classes aim to support staff and faculty of Illinois State, their spouses and partners, retirees of ISU, and alums. Most of the programs are held conveniently during the workday to provide greater access to opportunities that advance the personal wellness of faculty and staff.

For the spring 2022 semester, Balanced Bellies and Backs and T’ai Chi classes will be offered. There is a fee associated with participating in the Balanced Bellies and Backs class. Fees will be processed online through the Health Promotion and Wellness uStore. Please pay for classes using the uStore link or through payroll deduction. Cash and personal checks are no longer accepted.

Balanced Bellies and Backs

Aimed at the care of a healthy spine, this class focuses on maintaining flexibility and strengthening the core.

Instructor:  Michelle Klunke, B.A. is a certified instructor and has been teaching Wellness at Illinois State since 2003.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays  |  12:15–1 p.m.  |  Bone Student Center, 3rd West Lounge
  • Wednesdays  |  12:15–1 p.m.  |  via Zoom

T’ai Chi

Traditional Chen Style T’ai Chi involves forms 1-12 during the fall semester and 13-24 during the spring semester, as well as going training. T’ai Chi is often referred to as moving meditation.

Instructor: Lilly Meiner, certified instructor

  • Wednesdays  |  5:15–6:15 p.m.  |  Metcalf 139

Registration is required for the Lifestyle Enhancement Program.

Please contact Health Promotion and Wellness at 309-438-WELL (9355) or with any questions.