The Civil Service Council will feature a Civil Service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus. This month, learn about and applaud business administrative assistant, Cindy Greskiwcz.

What is your position on campus and how long have you been with the University?

I am the business administrative assistant in the College of Applied Science and Technology Dean’s Office. I handle the budget for the College along with various other things for the College. I have worked in the CAST Dean’s Office for 17 years and at ISU for 23 years.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

The people. The College of Applied Science and Technology has a diverse and great group of people that are joy to work with day in and day out.

What are your hobbies or favorite pastimes?

My husband and I have season tickets to Redbird football, volleyball, women’s basketball and men’s basketball games and attend many other athletic events throughout the year. I am also an avid Disney fan and enjoy spending time with family and friends.

More about Greskiwcz from Chad McEvoy, Dean of Applied Science and Technology

Cindy plays an important role as business administrative assistant in CAST, helping oversee the college’s complex budget in a strategic and skillful way. She works closely with staff in CAST to help solve challenges that arise regularly, and she always does so in a friendly and helpful manner. Cindy is a terrific colleague for so many of us in CAST and across our campus, and she is truly a joy to work with!