Kathy McDonald is a passionate and dedicated school nurse at Downers Grove North High School. Kathy began her journey to become a school nurse by enrolling in the school nurse certificate program at the Mennonite College of Nursing. In a recent interview, Kathy shares her motivation for pursuing the program, her experiences during the program, and her aspirations as a school nurse. Her story showcases the impact of school nurses in promoting health and wellness within the school community.

Kathy’s decision to pursue the school nurse certificate was driven by multiple factors. She wanted to be actively involved in individualized education plans (IEPs) for special education students, advocating for their needs during meetings. Kathy started out as a special needs nurse and recognized the pressing need for more certified nurses in her district, where only two nurses served a student population of 4,700. Additionally, Kathy saw this certificate program as a stepping stone toward a future master’s degree. The program offered her an opportunity to dip her toes back into academia after being out of school for over 20 years.

The school nurse certificate program provided Kathy with a solid foundation for her role as a school nurse. Through a combination of group learning activities, interactive projects, and real-world implementation, she gained valuable insights and experiences from her instructors and peers. The emphasis on collaborative learning enabled Kathy to benefit from the collective expertise of fellow school nurses and instructors who shared their perspectives and practical knowledge. She particularly appreciated the program’s focus on creating lesson plans and implementing them, a hands-on approach that enhanced her preparedness for the challenges ahead.

While Kathy found the coursework and program structure manageable, she faced personal challenges when she contracted COVID-19. However, she received great support from the instructors, who accommodated her needs during her illness. She noted that due to their understanding, she was able to complete the program despite her illness.

Reflecting on her time in the program, Kathy expressed her gratitude for the faculty’s expertise, accessibility, and commitment to student success. She praised the program’s materials, which provided comprehensive and up-to-date references, and applauded the reasonable cost compared to other institutions.

Once she completed the program, Kathy was almost immediately thrown into her position as a school nurse at Downers Grove North High School. Kathy was left to fill the position abruptly due to a coworkers leave of absence. Although it proved to be a tall task, Kathy was up to it. She cites the experience she gained during her time in the program as essential to helping her navigate her new position. Kathy had completed numerous sample projects during the program and was provided with detailed feedback from the faculty. When she was thrust into the position, Kathy already had experience dealing with many of the required tasks of the job due to her experiences in the School Nurse Certificate Program.

Kathy’s primary role involves responding to emergencies and providing guidance and support during crisis situations. She also plays a crucial role in educating the school community about various medical conditions that impact students’ learning. School nurses act as advocates for students with special needs, ensuring their specific requirements are understood and accommodated.

As a practicing school nurse, Kathy faces the challenge of educating the school community about the scope of a school nurse’s responsibilities. Often, individuals with limited medical knowledge may push for actions that are not evidence-based. Despite these challenges, Kathy derives immense satisfaction from supporting students and educating those in the community about health and wellness. Within the school community, school nurses are viewed as health experts, particularly in the absence of other medical professionals on campus.

Kathy’s future aspirations include assuming the role of a certified school nurse within her building, potentially succeeding her coworker upon her retirement. Additionally, she aims to expand her involvement in mental health advocacy, seeking to create a walking club that addresses the growing mental health challenges among students.

Kathy encourages aspiring school nurses to consider the Mennonite College of Nursing’s program, emphasizing the critical shortage of certified school nurses and the abundant job opportunities available. The program’s dedicated faculty, success in licensure exams, and affordability make it an excellent choice for those seeking a fulfilling career in school nursing. Kathy’s positive experience and recommendation serve as a testament to the program’s effectiveness and the transformative impact school nurses can have on the lives of students.