Join us in celebrating the following staff who have reached years of service milestones.

30 years

Danielle Lindsey, VP and Provost, 6/1/94

25 years

Tom Heintzman, Office of Technology Solutions, 6/15/99
Dan Stanislaus, Web Interactive Communications, 6/14/99

15 years

Michael Williams, Intercollegiate Athletics, 6/1/09
John Pokarney, Golf Course, 6/15/09
Paula Buck, Stdt Affairs Information Techn, 6/22/09

10 years

Becky Franz, Facilities Planning, 6/9/14
Lauri Joynt, Univ Mktg & Communications, 6/23/14
Gaylen Currin, Univ Mktg & Communications, 6/30/14