The Graduate School would like to invite all master’s and doctoral students, graduate coordinators, and graduate faculty to GradBird Gathering, our annual kickoff event for the 2024-2025 school year! The picnic will take place on Friday, August 23, from 5–7p.m. at People’s Park, on the corner of University St. and Beaufort St.

GradBird Gathering attendees will enjoy food from A to Z Catering, and lawn games such as bags, spikeball, and ladderball. Campus community partners will also be present to inform graduate students of resources and support available to them throughout the academic year. Door prizes will be given away during the picnic and will include various pieces of Graduate School swag.

Family members of graduate students, faculty, and coordinators are welcome to join us for this family-friendly event. We highly encourage graduate students to RSVP for themselves and any guests on our Redbird Life event page to ensure enough food. We hope to see many members of our graduate community at this fun, casual event kicking off the fall semester!