A retirement reception for Doug Schnittker, associate vice president for fiscal administration and comptroller, will be held on Thursday, December 19, from 2-4 p.m. in the Founders Suite at the Bone Student Center. 

Schnittker is retiring after 12 years of service in the Comptroller’s Office at Illinois State University. 

Schnittker joined Illinois State in 2012 after working in the finance and accounting public sector for 20-plus years. His first role at the University was as support for the completion of the iPeople HCM Implementation. After demonstrating his leadership, he became interim associate comptroller, where he took on additional responsibilities with the Purchasing, Risk Management, and Student Accounts departments. During that time, he served on several steering committees, councils, and other project development teams. 

In 2017 Schnittker was appointed interim comptroller due to his proven leadership skills within the Finance and Planning Division. He expanded his oversight to the external audit, preparation of financial statements, debt financing, and accounts payable. In 2019 the interim appointment became permanent.

We thank Schnittker for his service to Illinois State and invite you to stop by to congratulate him and wish him well on his retirement!