The ways to get involved and connected at Illinois State University are endless. There is truly something for everyone. But how do you find what you’re looking for or figure out which opportunity to take?

Project Bird Tracks can help. It’s designed to help you search, sort, and filter experiences by what you’ll learn from them, time of year, hours per week, paid opportunities, and the list goes on. Watch for the Bird Tracks survey, coming soon to your ISU email.

After completing the survey, you’ll receive a personalized summary of your responses, indicating what you already know and what you can do to grow your skills in five key areas that employers are looking for. You’ll have a tangible list to pull from regarding your leadership, teamwork, communication, professionalism, adaptability, critical thinking, integrity, and more, to guide your growth and engagement.

Learn from your journey and set your path with Bird Tracks. For more information, visit