Illinois State University has received numerous calls, comments, and social media posts regarding attempted abductions and suspicious vehicles on or near the campus. The Illinois State University Police Department (ISUPD) has been working to follow up on inquiries from students, family members, and the media.
Reports of this nature are always alarming and are taken seriously. In response to this situation, and the concerns expressed by the campus community, the Normal Police Department (NPD) confirms no abductions have taken place, and they are actively investigating the initial call to their department. ISUPD stresses that anyone who feels their safety is being threatened should contact 911 for assistance.
When there is an imminent threat to the campus community, an ISU Emergency Alert will be issued. Crime Advisories are sent to the campus when a crime occurs on or near campus and does not represent an immediate threat to campus safety. Additional sources for credible safety information include the ISUPD social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter) and the NPD Facebook account. Information about recent safety concerns have been shared on these accounts over the last two days.
While the University advocates for vigilance, safety is the responsibility of all, not simply those who could be targeted. ISU Police and Security Officers conduct 24-7 patrols of the campus and offer resources on safety. Any individual who witnesses any situation of concern first-hand should call 911.
Basic safety:
- If you witness any safety concerns or are the victim of a crime, please report it immediately to authorities.
- Use Safe Walk (309-438-WALK) for an in-person escort on campus or the Virtual Safe Walk or Friend Walk in the Safe Redbirds App.
- Walk in groups, without distraction and stick to well-lit paths.
- Make note of the location of Blue Lights throughout campus. In an emergency these link directly to the University Police Department.