This October, the Illinois State University School of Theatre, Dance, and Film presents Medea, a modernized reimagining of the classic Greek tragedy. Follow a stretch of this ancient tale with this raw, cathartic interpretation of a woman’s journey to Colchis and to her wit’s end. This adaptation was translated by Ben Power and directed by John McCall Jr.

Our story began in the 5th Century B.C.E., or the Golden Age of Athens, but for us, it starts in an isolated community, situated in the American Appalachian South—relatively modern, but unstuck in time. This show sees Medea, chafing under the role of motherhood and the classic expectations of her femininity, taken out of era, and placed in a world still situated in harsh gender delineation and aggressive patriarchal values but also detached from direct society; she is an Other in this new community. Power’s translation emphasizes the raw emotion and power that Medea harbors—the endurance of her passion and the intensity of her love.

In an interview, director John McCall Jr. said: “What makes this show singular is that it asks the audience to witness the tragedy of Medea in full form. There’s no artistic device that hides or softens the blow for what’s coming. In order for the audience to witness the story, they must witness the tragedy and bear its weight.”  

Medea will be performed in the Center for the Performing Arts Theatre October 11-12 and 16-19 at 7:30 p.m., as well as on October 13 at 2 p.m. The performance run time is approximately 80 minutes, with no intermission.

Tickets can be purchased in person at the Center for the Performing Arts Box Office on the campus of Illinois State University, by calling (309) 438-2535, or online.  

If you need an accommodation to fully participate in this program, please contact the Center for the Performing Arts Box Office at (309) 438-2535. Please allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.