The following resources focus on the educational climate and betterment of those serving the K–12 educational community.

Analysis of math, reading scores ‘very disconcerting.’ Decades of bleak results from kids’ standardized tests now seem almost routine, but a new study scratches beneath the surface to pin down just how many students in major U.S. metropolitan areas can actually read or do math proficiently. The results: startlingly few. (USA Today, January 26). 

Spending in nation’s schools falls again. The nation’s per-pupil spending on K–12 public schools dropped in 2013 for the third year in a row, reversing more than a decade of funding increases, according to federal data. (Washington Post, January 27).

New York school a model for dual-language learning. In New York City and other parts of the nation, dual-language schools and education programs are on the rise as a way to better prepare students for jobs in a globalized economy. (U.S. News & World Report, January 25).

5 keys to forging strong parent engagement: Learn more about the efforts coordinated by the Guilford Parent Academy, a program within the Guilford County Schools created in 2011 under Green’s leadership, and they align with the goals of the Smart Parents project—ensuring that parents are involved, informed, intentional, and inspirational.

Help Students by Helping Their Parents. Do they have financial or educational goals? Do they need medical assistance? The idea for the year-old center came after the Massachusetts Department of Education placed the poorly performing district into receivership in 2012. With 14,000 students, roughly half of high school seniors graduated. 

How does the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) deal with standards? The standards language in ESSA strikes a delicate, complicated compromise. (Education Week, January 20)

50-state comparison: Charter school policies. Education Commission of the States has researched charter school policies in all states to provide this comprehensive resource, updated in January 2016. Questions are presented for 50-state comparisons showing how all states approach specific charter school policies. Or choose to view a specific state’s approach by going to the individual state profiles page.

The U.S. Department of Education started 2016 by soliciting advice and recommendations on implementation of ESSA, the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Almost 400 public comments were submitted by the deadline of January 21 and are available for viewing at